By Admin on Fri 10 February 2017 in Technical Information & Calculators
Protection class IP, insulation class, service and power information for coils supplied with our Brass and S.Steel solenoid valves from ACL.
Coils Power.
The power (P) indicated is referred to a temperature of 20°C.
For DC current it is as follows.

In the case of AC current the power showed in Watt become:

In the DC current solenoid valve, as the power depends from the coils Ohmic resistance, the power is the same during inrush and also when the plunger's stroke is complete too.
Service. The coils are normally expected to be used in continuous service (ED100%). Definition of "Continuous Service": When the electrical connection time exceed the thermal constant of the coil by approximately 1/4. As a general rule, the continuous service corresponds to an electrical connection time that is equal or higher than 15 minutes. It's possible, for non-continuous service (e.g. ED50%), either to have coils at powers that are higher than the standard ones, or to use the coils with an ambient temperature higher than the ones indicated.

Insulation Class. Or temperature class, according to CEI 15-26.

Protection Class IP. Compliance with the standard DIN 40050 for the electrical protection at 1000 Volt AC and 1500 Volt DC.